Saturday, July 28, 2018


The first vegan gourmet raw food company opens in Kapaa at the end of September, and we're bringing the Prosperity to the island...

We are so excited to officially announce that Mandala Living Cuisine is coming to Kauai full force with a vision to bring high quality plant based nutrition to the entire community of Kauai. Let us elaborate, We are not just a gourmet vegan food company, but we are a tribe that is bringing back the true nature of our species, tribe. Besides a gourmet culturally eclectic menu of raw or living vegan cuisine, ranging from lasagne to coconut curry, we offer something called a Prosperity Bowl. What is the Prosperity Bowl?

It is one of our foundational goals to play our role in feeding humanity in the spirit of the true nature of our species. Tribe. In a tribe, no one goes unfed. It is an intense time in the world right now, as the very system we have been so dependant upon is broken and it is time for great change. The fact the there is so much wealth and prosperity in the world, and yet people go hungry every day is a reflection of how far we have strayed from our true nature, from Tribe. The Prosperity Bowl is our seva, our service, to assist in bringing us back to our tribal roots by offering a free bowl of food for anyone in need any day of the week: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you are hungry, you know there’s somewhere you can go get high quality plant based nutrition. We call it a prosperity bowl because it is not a charity. It’s not just us that is responsible for this bold mission statement from our company. Our network of farmer’s and suppliers will weekly donate a certain quantity of food for us to prepare to be able to serve the prosperity 7 days a week to those in need. This is a collaborative effort from our communities and we are holding the intention that it will expand as we expand Mandala Living Foods to the other islands and across the US. We want the Prosperity Bowl to become a nationwide movement! Why a Prosperity Bowl? 
“When some one is down and out, we feel that to receive a bowl of Prosperity creates an energetic shift in an individual’s energy far more than a bowl of charity. In a tribe, wealth is distributed and prosperity shared. We are all one tribe. Let us eat, play, grow, work, heal together. It is the only way we will truly heal this planet. Aloha and Sat Nam!”
  - Micah Skye, Mandala Living Foods.