Monday, March 29, 2010

An important question from an inquiring mind...

Hi Micah,

> What a fascinating person you are!
> I have a question: In your interview, you said that your daughter knows what her body needs and gravitates toward that.
> But what about the all those obese kids who "gravitate" toward donuts and soda? Their bodies can't need that. Would you suggest that if they were given an array of healthy foods AND junk, that they would go for the healthy stuff?
> Please explain.

Aloha Pam! My apologies for not getting back to you sooner. I appreciate your message and intellegent inquiry. It is a valid question, and here's my answer. My daughter has been raised on natural foods, fresh foods, that is her foundation of knowledge intellectually to go off of, but more importantly her diet being so clean has created a clean intuition- a connectedness if you will between mind and body already at even 2 1/2 years old. She's never even tasted these nasty chemically addictive foods so there's no contamination to her internal guidance system so to speak. These obese kids, or just unhealthy kids in general they gravitate towards this junk because it was initially introduced to them in the first place- even if it was a commercial on TV...these trojan horse trash foods are designed to captivate and allure children with their pretty colors And chemical excitotoxins which literally stimulate their taste buds like crack leaving them wanting more and more. The kids never had a chance. Even though our kids are barraged with thE diabolical programming and commercialism of junk food, we can only look to the parents for allowing them to even be made aware that this junk food exists or that it is even could be considered a food and not what it truly is...junk. My daughter isn't going to want that sugar stick or McDonalds hamburger because she has been educated that McDonalds gets 16 hamburgers per pound of meat. One pound! Do you know how little meat that is. So what else is on that dead brown patty? She will have no desire to even taste it because she sees what it truly is. I recently watched this new show with a popular young chef trying to change the food in the school systems if West Virginia which has been labeled the healthiest region in America, and it was disturbing to watch him take fresh veggies into the classrooms of these first graders and they didn't know what they were. they didn't know what a tomatoe looked like! Oh but they knew what ketchup was...they didn't know what a potatoe looked like, but they knew what a french fry was...and even when this chef started making fresh food lunches for the kids...they still chose the crap food...bottom line...they shouldn't even know that crap exists because growing little bodies craving nutrients should not be eating empty processed food, period...thank you again for your question and keep'em coming if you got'em!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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